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Inazuma Eleven: Ares No Tenbin
Série 2018 Animation, Familial 22m
Saison 01 Episode 19 - The Ultimate Individual Tactic
Informations sur la série Inazuma Eleven: Ares No Tenbin :
2 Saison(s) 75 épisode(s)

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The world of soccer has been taken over by the elite Football Federation. Only those who have obtained Sponsorship can participate in the world-renowned tournament the Football Frontier. With the threat of their club's disbandment on the horizon a boy named Sonny and his team of underdogs desperately look for a way to continue their life's passion on their small remote island. Even though they have no Sponsor or Special Moves they grasp for their only chance: A match between them and the leading team at Football Frontier. With their future unknown the eleven of them set off into the foreboding city to chase their dreams…

Akihiro Hino
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