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Talking Tennis
Documentaire Documentaire, Sport 45m
Episode 01 - Rivals

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Tennis addict Alistair McGowan serves up an affectionate look back at one of the world's greatest tournaments - Wimbledon. Here, he is focusing on the game's greatest rivalries and the big battles - physical and mental - that have been fought over the years on the lawns of SW19 and helped turn two weeks of British summertime into our favourite gladiatorial spectacle. Featuring classic interviews and rarely seen footage from the BBC's archives, this episode examines the confrontations between Evert and Navratilova, Ashe and Connors, Borg and McEnroe, Graf and Seles, and Sampras and Agassi - as well as the more recent rivalries between the Williams sisters, Federer, Nadal and Djokovik. It also looks at the tactics players can use to triumph as they push each other to the limit - mind games, tantrums and the fine art of grunting.

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