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Replay TV Ugly House to Lovely House Saison 01 Episode 02 - Berkshire

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Saison 01 Episode 02 - Berkshire
Description du replay :

George Clarke shows that even the ugliest house can be transformed into a home to be proud of. Rachel and James bought their Berkshire home nine years ago for £220,000, but, with two young sons, they're fast outgrowing the property and can't afford to move. What's more, the classic 1960s kitchen-diner layout doesn't work for family living and there's no direct access from the hallway to the kitchen, meaning the living room has become a corridor. The couple tried to rectify the situation by extending to the side of the house but this addition failed to alleviate their problems. They want a home that gives them more space for a more sociable life, but with a budget of £60,000, is a solution possible? Ed Lipton is a leading UK architect who specialises in creating aesthetically pleasing spaces in commercial and residential properties.

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