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Replay TV Escape To the Chateau Saison 08 Episode 05 - Attic & a Celestial-Inspired Sky Bar

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Saison 08 Episode 05 - Attic & a Celestial-Inspired Sky Bar
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The action-packed new series of Escape to the Chateau continues, with more Strawbridge family adventures, awe-inspiring renovation projects and big reveals. The major job of re-slating the 150-year-old roof is continuing and as the work progresses, some astonishing parts of the chateau are revealed for the very first time - a huge area of attic that not only reaches to the height of the roof's ridge line but runs the full length of the chateau. Although, unbelievably, Angel has never discovered the room before, as soon as she lays eyes on it, her mind goes into overdrive. While Dick is keen to use the extra space for storage, Angel's vision is to reach for the stars by creating a celestial inspired "sky bar" complete with balcony style windows that will provide amazing views during the day and a place for a telescope at night.

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