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Angel Adoree : Films, biographie et actualités

Derniers programmes TV avec Angel Adoree

Escape To the Chateau

Another chance to see this special Christmas episode of Escape to the Chateau with Dick, Angel, Dorothy and Arthur, as well as Angel's parents Jenni and Steve, as they prepare to celebrate a family Christmas in France. With an old 19th-century chateau ledger found in the attic and classic cookbooks to hand, the Strawbridges take inspiration from Christmases past, discovering what food, festivities, gifts and games would have been like in bygone eras. Dick and Angel's imagination goes into overdrive as they create a winter wonderland with an ice rink at its heart. The family forage for mistletoe and holly to create and decorate wreaths to festoon the chateau. And as the kids skate, Dick roasts chestnuts on the brazier and the adults enjoy the chateau's mulled wine with some freshly made mince pies.

Volet 1 : Rénovation XXL : Bienvenue au château

Dick Strawbridge et Angel Adoree, un couple anglais, ont acheté le château de la Motte-Husson à Martigné-sur-Mayenne et se lancent dans la rénovation des lieux.

Volet 1 : Escape To the Chateau

Escape to the Chateau returns with an action-packed series full of family adventures, awe-inspiring renovation projects, big reveals, and a magical Christmas special. Bringing a warm hug into our living rooms, Dick, Angel, Arthur and Dorothy share more enchanting tales from the Chateau, as they continue the renovation of their 19th-century fairytale home and grounds. With weddings and events on hold for the second year, Dick and Angel bite the bullet and make the big decision to tackle the exterior of the Chateau. The roof and outside walls are their biggest project to date and the Chateau quickly becomes a building site! Despite the havoc, the Chateau reveals more of its secrets while Dick and Angel continue to find ingenious ways of bringing new rooms back to life and creating a home full of happy memories.

Volet 2 : Rénovation XXL : Bienvenue au château

Au printemps, Dick veut mettre le jardin clos en ordre une bonne fois pour toutes. Pendant ce temps, un couple gay, amoureux de gastronomie, est en visite.

Volet 2 : Escape To the Chateau

Volet 3 : Rénovation XXL : Bienvenue au château

C'est la fin du printemps et la saison des mariages est imminente. Dick et Angel ont déjà été sollicités pour en organiser huit cette année.

Volet 4 : Escape To the Chateau

It's the height of the summer and Dick and Angel are warming up for one of the year's biggest events: Angel's parents' 50th wedding anniversary. As a thank you for their support over the years, Angel has invited over 100 of their closest friends and family to the chateau for the party of a lifetime. But with all the other events going on, everyone's feeling the pressure. There's a bespoke menu to plan and prepare, so Dick's called in the cavalry, with his son James arriving from Cornwall. Together with some help from Arthur, the Strawbridge boys have their work cut out as they create dishes that they hope will strike a chord with everyone. As always, Angel wants to make sure every little detail of the event is just perfect, with handcrafted mementoes and special touches for all the guests to enjoy.

Volet 5 : Escape To the Chateau

Na de buitenkant is het nu tijd om het interieur van de orangerie aan te pakken en uit te testen, en welke gelegenheid is daarvoor beter dan de vijfde huwelijksverjaardag van Dick en Angel? Het wordt een groots familiefeest met bedrukte chocolade en cappuccino die naar paddenstoelen smaakt.

Volet 8 : Rénovation XXL : Bienvenue au château

Est-il possible de transformer une ruine en un château de rêve digne d'un conte de fées ? C'est le pari que se sont lancé Dick Strawbridge et Angel Adoree en s'installant avec leurs enfants à Martigné-sur-Mayenne, dans l'ouest de la France, pour acheter et rénover le château de la Motte-Husson. Avec ses 45 pièces, ses douves et son terrain de plusieurs hectares, la bâtisse qui date du XIXe siècle offre au couple de belles perspectives, mais le chantier est colossal et tout est à refaire pour pouvoir y habiter. Entre les rénovations, la reconstruction, l'ameublement et la décoration, réussiront-ils à respecter leurs objectifs et terminer à temps pour organiser le mariage de leurs rêves ?

Volet 10 : Escape To the Chateau

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