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Replay TV Suspect Saison 01 Episode 03 - Maia

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Saison 01 Episode 03 - Maia
Description du replay :

Gripping psychological crime thriller with an all-star cast. Bruised by his encounter with Nicola (Niamh Algar), Danny (James Nesbitt) goes to The Crimson Orchid gentlemen's club to look for Maia (Antonia Thomas), who Nicola has accused of corrupting Christina (Imogen King). Maia stonewalls Danny's questions, but when he tells her that Christina may have been murdered, her façade of indifference cracks. Danny knows that Christina was involved in criminal activity, and he assumes Maia has lured her into prostitution, but in the face of her angry denials, he realises that Christina was selling drugs. Danny uncovers evidence that allows him to leverage Maia into revealing the name of Christina's supplier, and he forces her to ring him and leave a message with Danny's number.

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