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Replay TV Suspect Saison 01 Episode 07 - Susannah

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Saison 01 Episode 07 - Susannah
Description du replay :

Gripping psychological crime thriller with an all-star cast. A humbled and subdued Danny (James Nesbitt) returns to the hospital mortuary to say a final goodbye to Christina (Imogen King) in the company of his ex-wife, Susannah (Anne-Marie Duff). Susannah's attempts to reminisce about Christina as a little girl quickly turn into recriminations about why neither of them was aware of the life she was leading, before they are reconciled again by their devastating grief. Danny appears to have finally accepted the findings of the post-mortem report, as well as the part his actions played in Christina's decision to take her own life, until Susannah unwittingly introduces a new perspective on a recent incident in Christina's life.

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