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Replay TV 17 ans et maman UK Saison 08 Episode 05

Regarder 17 ans et maman UK en replay
Saison 08 Episode 05
En replay sur MTV
Description du replay :

After a global pandemic and a two year break Teen Mom UK is back... with a few surprises... Mia returns to the fold along with Amber, Sassi and Chloe. The babies are no longer babies and parenting little people has brought along a whole new set of challenges. But juggling relationships with their baby daddies is still the biggest emotional rollercoaster of all time. Mia and Manley aren't talking and the big news is Manley's back with Erin - co parenting is very much a work in progress. Chloe has learnt to trust Jordan and Chloe wants Jordan to prove his ultimate commitment by putting a ring on it. Sassi and Darren are in the friends zone but it's complicated and emotions run high. Amber hits rock bottom in isolation and comes to blows with Ste who decides to go for an ADHD assessment. Sit tight for all new Teen Mom UK.

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