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Replay TV Dorcel Airlines - escales sexuelles

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Description du replay :

The stewardesses of Dorcel Airlines wish to welcome you on a journey like no other… Perched on their high heels and dressed in their sexy skin-tight uniforms and delicate lingerie, stewardesses make many travelers heads spin…and Dorcel Airlines is no exception - quite the opposite, in fact! Pretty Cléa, married to a man with a fetish for uniforms, doesn't even need to get undressed when she comes home from work: her stockings and skirt suit are enough to make her man go wild with desire! And since this gentleman has more than one perversion under his belt, Cléa agrees to give her body to strangers while he looks on, inside the aircraft cabins where she sneaks around in the dark... Rhiannon, for her part, has fun teasing the captain by showing off her legs and feet under Lycra pantyhose.

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