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Replay TV Sei sung saw liu

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James McAvoy, Anya Taylor-Joy and Betty Buckley star in M Night Shyamalan's thriller. While they're waiting to be taken home from a birthday party, teenagers Marcia (Jessica Sula), Casey (Taylor-Joy) and Claire (Haley Lu Richardson) are kidnapped by Kevin (McAvoy), who locks them in a mysterious basement. At first, he is threatening and abusive to them, but, as the girls' captivity lengthens, they discover that he is inhabited by a series of different personalities, not all of whom seem malign. Simultaneous to the girls' incarceration, Kevin is undergoing treatment for his dissociative identity disorder. Psychiatrist Dr Karen Fletcher (Buckley) has identified 23 personalities vying for control of Kevin, and she has also found a means of temporarily subduing them.

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