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Asia: Our Wild Adventures
Documentaire Documentaire, Nature
Saison 01 Episode 02 - The Frozen North

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BBC Wildlife presenters look back on their adventures in the frozen regions of the Arctic. With brutal weather and often treacherous landscapes, survival here is a tough ask. Liz Bonnin recalls a memorable adventure in one of our last great wildernesses, helping a team of scientists in Ussuriysk locate a population of rare Siberian tigers. Gordon Buchanan recounts a trip to Ellesmere Island, Canada, in search of wild wolves that had never seen humans before. Chris Packham remembers the time he ventured to Greenland on an expedition to uncover the secret life of an Arctic iceberg. Finally, Steve Backshall recalls trying to get underwater with a killer whale in northern Norway, one of the few wildlife encounters that had eluded him across a 20-year career.

Chris Chapman
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