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Replay TV Escape To the Chateau ... at Christmas

Regarder Escape To the Chateau en replay
... at Christmas
Description du replay :

Another chance to see this special Christmas episode of Escape to the Chateau with Dick, Angel, Dorothy and Arthur, as well as Angel's parents Jenni and Steve, as they prepare to celebrate a family Christmas in France. With an old 19th-century chateau ledger found in the attic and classic cookbooks to hand, the Strawbridges take inspiration from Christmases past, discovering what food, festivities, gifts and games would have been like in bygone eras. Dick and Angel's imagination goes into overdrive as they create a winter wonderland with an ice rink at its heart. The family forage for mistletoe and holly to create and decorate wreaths to festoon the chateau. And as the kids skate, Dick roasts chestnuts on the brazier and the adults enjoy the chateau's mulled wine with some freshly made mince pies.

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