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Replay TV Phone Scams: Don't Get Caught Out!

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Alexis Conran investigates the new scourge of fake text and WhatsApp cowboys who are after your money, and shows you how to fight back… It doesn't matter who you are, where you're from or even how much money you have – these scrupulous scammers will try it on. It all starts with 'Dear Mum\/Dad I've lost my phone…' If you take the bait, then they'll play on your parental insecurities and fleece you by pretending to be your offspring in distress. In this film we will meet the victims of this and many other clever and convincing scams that are costing us millions every year. And these scams get more and more sophisticated by the week. They may pretend to be Amazon, your bank or even the police. We will explain how they do it, what you need to look out for, how you can avoid getting stitched up.

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