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Replay TV Irène Drésel

Regarder Irène Drésel en replay
Description du replay :

Irène Drésel - The world of Irène Drésel can be described as high-colored techno, sensual, and bold. It's a hypnotic world where languid and sporty BPMs rub shoulders with crystalline melodies, foiling the expectations of techno listeners. A polymorphic artist who has left the frenzy of Paris for the calm of the countryside, Irène Drésel tends to her universe down to the smallest details, as evidenced on stage by the roses that gracefully overhang the cold steel of her machines. Irène Drésel composes alone, but she is accompanied live by a percussionist, Sizo Del Givry. Enjoy their 2019 show at Trabendo Paris!

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